10 August 2021 — 7 November 2021

Расположение: eng-name / eng-name / eng-name

Location: Exhibition complex/ 2nd floor / Exhibition hall No. 5

Paleoart is the most scientifically informed genre of art. It dates back to times when people started to study fossil finds and try to depict prehistoric life. Over several centuries, paleoart has evolved and become a part of modern visual culture and our everyday life.

The term "paleoart" appeared in the early 1990s. It was invented by the artist Mark Hallett, who worked as an artist consultant on Steven Spielberg’s Hollywood blockbuster "Jurassic Park". Since then, the term "paleoart" has been applied not only to modern reconstructions but also to the artworks of the 19th – 20th centuries.

This outstanding art project at the Darwin Museum tells the world history of paleoart and focuses on the development of the genre in Russia. The visitors will see prehistoric animals depicted in painting, graphic art, sculpture, and digital art. They will learn how artists work closely with paleontologists and will compare reconstructions of extinct animals of the early 20th century with modern ones.

Russian paleoart of the 19th-20th centuries includes artworks from the collections of the State Darwin Museum, the State Biology Museum named after K. A. Timiryazev, the Zoological Museum of the Lomonosov Moscow State University, the Paleontological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Kuskovo Memorial Estate, Ramenskiy Historical and Art Museum, and private collections. The list of authors contains such recognized masters of the genre as K. K. Flerov, V. A. Vatagin, A.M. Belashov, A. N. Komarov, V. V. Trofimov. Many artworks are being exhibited for the first time.

The image of the iconic paleoart characters such as tyrannosaurus, ichthyosaurus, iguanodon, protoceratops, stegosaurus,
and pterodactyl has significantly transformed over time thanks to scientific development. How do we imagine prehistoric creatures today? This is the question, that will be answered by works of modern artists and scientists who rely on scientific research and discoveries of the 21st century. Among them, the visitors will see the works by A. Atuchin, S. Krasovsky, V. Ilyukhin, N. Lipatova, S. Kruskop, Y. Priymak, and other famous modern paleoartists.


Media partner of the exhibition:

National Geographic Russia

Vatagin V. A. Jurassic Sea. From the series of paintings "The origin and development of life on Earth". Oil on canvas. 1939.

Flerov K. K. Terrestrial life of the Jurassic period. From the series of paintings "The origin and development of life on Earth". Oil on canvas. 1938.

Flerov K. K. Cretaceous Epoch (terrestrial fauna). From the series of paintings "The origin and development of life on earth". Oil on canvas. 1939.

Flerov K. K. Dryopithecus and sivatheres. Oil on plywood. 1947.

Flerov K. K. Coryphodons. Oil on cardboard. The 1940s.

Flerov K. K. Giant armadillo (Glyptodon). Oil on canvas. 1941.

Vatagin V. A. Triceratops. Watercolor on whatman paper. 1914.

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