The Tale of the Fishermen and the Fish

What methods, fishing tackle are used by the most experienced fishermen and what fish people, animals and birds catch.

11 June 2019 — 25 August 2019

Расположение: eng-name / eng-name / eng-name

Long before people mastered their fishing skills and became masters of seas and oceans, animals and birds had been creative in fishing – some became professional “spearfishers”, some used their claws as hooks, some used baits. Who are these fishermen from the Animal kingdom you will find out at the exhibition “The Tale of the Fishermen and the Fish”.

Get to know what tricks for fishing were invented in Ancient times, how fishing has transformed from a means of survival into a popular hobby and a fishing rod into “sport equipment”. Apart from rare archeological artifacts and objects of fine arts, interesting and useful facts about fishermen and fish, the exhibition will offer you various creative and intellectual competitions, as well as a computer game for gourmets “The dinner is served!”.


Rosy pelican. State Darwin Museum

Catfish by A.Yu. Isakov. Paper, mixed painting technique. State Darwin Museum

Friendly caricature drawing of Konstantin Paustovsky from a book By I. Ygyn, M. Svetlov “Museum of friends. Caricature paintings/drawings. Squibs”. 1962, K. Paustovsky museum

Fishing. Nepal. 20th century. Paper, gouache. Traditional art museum

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