Katun biosphere nature reserve.

Photo exhibition of Vladimir Gorbatovsky, professional photographer

2 April 2019 — 2 June 2019

Расположение: eng-name / eng-name / eng-name

Discover the beauty of pristine nature of highlands at the photo exhibition "Katun biosphere nature reserve". Travel with the author to the remote places to capture spectacular views of Altai republic mountain region at different times of the year.

Vladimir Vasilyevich Gorbatovsky - professional zoologist, photographer, candidate of biological sciences, has dedicated the past 30 years to nature preservation. For his outstanding work he has received numerous awards.Vladimir is the author/editor of more than 100 scientific and popular science publications on nature conservation, including more than 60 books and albums devoted to reserved areas of Russia.

The exhibition will feature 40 works, including photos of the highest peak of Siberia, the sacred part of Altai Mountains - Belukha (4506 m), the beginning of the greatest Altai river Katun, as well as mighty mountain ridges, turquoise lakes, fast mountain rivers and waterfalls.

As part of the exhibition, you will be able:

  • to watch documentaries about Katun biosphere nature reserve - “Keepers” (2014) and “Nature reserve at the origin of Katun” (2017);
  • to participate in workshops organized by representatives of the Altai community in Moscow, as well as volunteers-friends of the nature reserve from Molodezhniy Club of Russian Geographical Society and Russian Technological University.


Get a chance to explore the magnificent unspoiled nature of Katun nature reserve, included into the World Natural Heritage sites list in 1998. Located in the highest mountainous part of Altai - the Katun Ridge - it comprises fascinating unreachable mountain peaks, glaciers and snowfields, countless rocks, mountain rivers with picturesque waterfalls, lakes and alpine meadows. Fairly young nature reserve was located far from the settlements on almost inaccessible land. 

The photo exhibition will open to you the amazing world of Altai mountanous region - the home of 667 species of plants, 59 species of mammals and 161 species of birds, some of which are endemics. 


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