Flamenco on the shore

What do flamingos and the Spanish dance have in common?

12 November 2019 — 19 January 2020

Расположение: eng-name / eng-name / eng-name

it is suggested that the name "flamingo" comes from Portuguese or Spanish Flamengo -"flame-colored". Indeed, their coloration varies from light pink to orange and even bright red. It’s hard to imagine another bird like this, so mysterious yet so bright, moving gracefully as if it were dancing…

Darwin museum invites you to discover the great variety of color variations in flamingos – more than 30 paintings and illustrations from rare books on display at the exhibition. You will also meet the common species, as well as the rarest ones and find out some very interesting facts about these wonderful birds. 

Batik. Flamingo. I.V.Trofimova

The greater flamingo. State Darwin Museum's reserves.

A flying up flamingo. A.V.Marts

John James Audubon. Flamingo. "The Birds of America"

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