Botanical illustration

rare books from Darwin museum reserves along with botanical illustrations by contemporary artists

26 October 2019 — 22 December 2019

Расположение: eng-name / eng-name

Since prehistoric times artists have depicted plants on a wide range of surfaces. Discover which materials and techniques were used by artists to document the knowledge about the flora.

The exhibition features rare books from Darwin museum reserves, unique and printed graphic works, along with Environmental posters of mid 20th century. Furthermore, displayed you will also find botanical illustrations by contemporary artists.

Since ancient times people were passing knowledge about medical herbs, as well as of poisonous ones, creating detailed images to help the others recognize the plant. With time the drawings became more detailed and scientifically correct, and in the Middle Ages images were used not only in pharmacopoeia but as decoration of folios, acquiring Christian symbolism. Even after a method of drying plants with a press to preserve them as herbarium was invented in the 16th century, botanists tended to trust botanical illustration more.

Today botanical illustration has embraced its artistic potential, leaving the biological purpose behind. Besides providing a wonderful opportunity to admire ancient drawings and prints from rare manuscripts and books, the exhibition invites you to compare them to modern artworks.

Долгов Илья. Графическая серия «Гербарий». 2012-2017. Акрил на бумаге.

Dolgov Ilya. Graphic series "Herbarium". 2012-2017. Acrylic, paper

Иллюстрация к книге Фридриха Юстина Бертуха «Иллюстрированная книга для детей. Содержит замечательное собрание животных, растений, цветов, фруктов..». 1805

Illustration for the book of Friedrich Justin Bertuch "Picturebook for Children. It contains a wonderful collection of animals, plants, flowers, fruits .. ". 1805

Голубева Ирина. Бругмансия кровавая. 2018. Бумага, чернила

Goloubeva Irina. Brugmansia sanguinea. 2018. Ink, paper

Шипиленко А.К. Мать-и-мачеха обыкновенная. 1971. Бумага, акварель

Shypylenko A.K. Coltsfoot (Tussilago farfara). 1971. Watercolor, paper

Иллюстрация к книге Георга Вольфганга Кнорра «Универсальное собрание растений, представляющее цветы, травы, деревья, кустарники, нарисованные с натуры и раскрашенные вручную». 1789

Illustration for the book by Georg Wolfgang Knorr "Universal collection of plants, representing flowers, herbs, trees, shrubs drawn from nature and hand-painted." 1789


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