26 August 2020

Darwin Museum took part in the international AR project Google Arts & Culture

How does it feel to find one of the oldest creatures on the planet in your apartment? Augmented Reality (AR) technology and Google Arts & Culture make it possible: Meet Cambropachicopus, an alien species of Cyclops Shrimp that lived on Earth over 520 million years ago. In collaboration with Google and the London Museum of Natural History, the State Darwin Museum is bringing prehistoric animals back to digital life. Now you can see them up close through your smartphone → https://artsandculture.google.com/project/ar 


Darwin Museum is one of the first museums in the world to use AR to display items from the museum collection.


Besides viewing Cambropachycope, try to host Opabinia - an eccentric animal with 5 eyes and a movable proboscis, an ancient filter feeder Aegirocassis, a dinosaur with a beautiful crest - Amurosaurus, the skeleton of Triceratops, a flightless bird - the Great Auk. You can decorate your ceiling with the skeleton of a Blue Whale, and place a variety of marine animals in the bath - from the harmless brown crab to the 3-meter silvertip shark.


With the support of the world's leading museums, the Google Arts & Culture project has implemented the function of viewing 3D copies of museum objects in augmented reality mode. Now you can afford not only to have a prehistoric menagerie at home, but also to decorate the interior with masterpieces of world art and ancient historical artifacts, as well as to figure out how the Apollo 11 command module will look in your backyard and whether Neil Armstrong's spacesuit will fit into your wardrobe.


To start exploring culture, history, and nature in new dimensions, download the free Google Arts & Culture app, available for Android and iOS.

The project was created on the Google Arts & Culture platform in collaboration with the State Darwin Museum (Russia), Natural History Museum (Great Britain), Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History (USA), Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum (USA), CAFA Art Museum (China) and CyArk (USA).

@cyark, @natural_history_museum, @smithsoniannmnh  @darwinmuseum, @airandspacemuseum @googleartsculture

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