20 July 2022

200th anniversary of Gregor Mendel

On July 20th, exactly 200 years ago the "father" of genetics Gregor Johann Mendel was born. In 1856 he began to conduct experiments on crossing plants, peas in particular, which he grew in the monastery garden. The results of Mendel's experiments, which formed the basis of modern genetics, were published in 1865, without arousing interest among contemporaries at that time. You will be able to learn about the life, scientific discoveries and connection of the scientist with the Darwin Museum at the virtual exhibition "Well-Designed Experiments". WATCH

Mendel's laws

1. Law of Dominance and Uniformity

When crossing organisms that differ in variants of one gene, all descendants are the same.

2. Law of Segregation of genes

If we continue to cross, grandchildren will again have variants of the traits inherent to grandparents. The dominant trait will appear three times more often than recessive.

3. Law of Independent Assortment

Genes responsible for different traits are inherited independently.

M. D. Ezuchevsky.
Gregor Mendel.
1926. Whatman, pastel

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